Every wannabe longterm traveler has to face this topic. What do I pack for my X months trip?
It’s usually a question of the first trips, because then you get used to it. Also, if you stay more than a month, then it doesn’t matter really if you travel for 2 months or 2 years, your luggage will always be the same.

My luggage forever
In my case, I understood from my first trips I want to travel light. I have tried once carrying a backpack that was only 10 liters bigger than the one I usually use and I hated every second of it. That’s why it’s fiercely from 2008 I carry a 40 liters backpack wherever I go, no matter the trip lenght.
It is obviously easy to carry (being usually within 10 kg), it fits as hand luggage, so you don’t have to wait (and pay) to check-in, it’s handy to find things, so I will probably never change my mind 🙂
But what do I pack?
Short answer is:

Actually, I divide my stuff in 3 categories: electronics, clothes, miscellaneous.
Let’s check first the electronics:
- Ipad mini and keyboard mini to blog around
- Action camera with waterproof case
- Nikon camera to take animals pictures
- Kindle
- External powerbank
- Universal adaptor
- Little bag with cables and batteries
- Big bag with 10-15 underwear changes and 2 swimsuits
- 2 light trousers, 2 leggings, 2 tights
- 3 shorts, 2 skirts
- 4 light dresses
- 12-15 tops or tshirts
- 2 polar fleeces and 2 warm shirts
- Sleeping bag
- Insect repellent
- Flip flops
- Raincoat
- Inflatable pillow
- Anti-malaria medicins
- American dollars
- A bit of shampoo and soap, toothpaste
- 2 light and small towels
- Deodorant and cream
- Little wash bag with some earrings, hair band and concealer
And you? What do you usually pack?
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